Travelling the Wellness Way!

As we wrap up another year, we hope you’ve already started making travel plans for the next one. And because worries and stress may have drained your batteries, perhaps it’s time to go off the grid, detox, rejuvenate and come back to conquer the new year with renewed energy.

We, the Holidays Team, have noticed that more and more travellers are making wellness their priority. Whether it’s taking a break from their routine, or simply doing some soul-searching, our clients have come to us seeking curated travel plans that will meet their wellness needs. So, this month we’ve put together a few peaceful wellness destinations from across the globe to help you decide where to go. Each of these come with a promise to bring you peace of mind and happiness.


Astounding Austria


Remember the song by legendary musician Billy Joel? “Slow down, you crazy child. And take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while. It’s all right, you can afford to lose a day or two. When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?”

These words describe earnestly, not just Vienna, but the entire country of Austria. The healing effect of this picturesque country is unlike any other. When we asked our travellers, what they loved about Austria, they’ve always spoken about its rich culture, great music, delectable food, and scenic landscapes. And we cannot agree more. When you soak in the hot springs here, surrounded by the Alpine mountains, you question, “Why did I wait this long?” As your worries melt away in the Roman baths, you will feel your connection with nature, and yourself, strengthen once again. And, it’s this feeling that we’re sure will keep you going back.


Sensational Spain


Glasses of wine sunbathing in the glinting Spanish sun is as common a sight as tourists at the La Sagrada Familia. People here believe that life is to be lived in every sip; tasting the moments, savouring its flavours, breathing in the freshness, and experiencing it to the fullest. Much like their wine. So, you will find the sleepy pace of this country somewhat bizarre. Here, nobody is in a rush. There are no deadlines to meet but many siestas to be enjoyed. It gives city-dwellers like us time to sit back and reflect at the life we’ve lived and the lessons we’ve learnt.

But don’t think, even for a moment, that Spain is a dead man’s land. On the contrary, the country is brimming with rich culture, electrifying fiestas, mouth-watering delicacies, and picture-perfect coasts. So, pack your bags and get ready to say Hola to healing!


Tantalizing Thailand


Tropical weather, golden beaches, ornate temples, and scattered islands make Thailand a medley of experiences. Typically, a day here will have you exploring many scenic trails, soaking in the rich cultural heritage, island hopping or indulging in some adventure sports. And if this drains you of energy, Thailand has the perfect answer to your weariness – the Thai Spa. Like us, our travellers could never say no to the incredibly famous Thai massage, or as some call it “the lazy person’s yoga”. Our travellers take comfort in it because it invokes some pain, followed by immense relaxation. And when it’s over, you will feel as light as a kite, soaring with newfound energy and calm. And with Thailand being so close to home, it’s never a ‘once in a lifetime experience’. We can guarantee that you will go back for more.


Glistening Gokarna


What’s great is that you don’t have to go far to experience this relaxation. You’ll find it tucked away in the temple town of Gokarna too. It’s in equal parts holy as it is hippie. We followed the narrow paths, twisting through a thicket of trees, and were treated to a view of the endless ocean hugging the sandy shores. It was breath-taking to say the least. Our travellers have found Gokarna to be calm, serene and soul-stirring. Imaging laying down on the cold sand on a clear night, and being awe-struck by the number of stars sprinkled across a blanket of black sky. Not to mention how the waves forge their own sea-song while you gently drift off into a trance-like state.

This town has managed to pull us out of our humdrum lives and helped us reconnect with our inner being. And it will do the same for you. Unlike the popular beach towns of India, Gokarna doesn’t disturb your peace with a cacophony of hustlers, tourists, and partygoers. This rustic and laidback town literally lets you be on your journey to self-discovery.

Now, that you have read about our experiences at some of the finest, holistic destinations for wellness travel, it is your time to pick. At Indiana Travels, we offer the perfect balance of premium resorts at beautiful destinations, relaxing experiences, and wholesome cuisines, making you feel energized and stress-free on the way back home. So, let us curate your journey for you.


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